Cnr of Alice and Water St,
Walkervale, Bundaberg

P: (07) 4152 0766



PO Box 179
Bundaberg, QLD, 4670



Rev Gavin Henderson
32A Alice St, Bundaberg 
Phone: (07) 4151 4766

Session Clerk

Bruce Vaughan


Cnr of Alice & Water St,
Walkervale, Bundaberg

Morning Service (9.30am)

(Except Good Friday and Christmas Day when the starting time 8:30am)

This Service caters for a variety of ages, for both young and old. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary songs.

A Sunday school program runs in the hall during the service. There is also a Crèche and a parents room. Afterwards, we enjoy morning tea together.



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